Recipe: Apricot Galette

Recipe: Apricot Galette /
Recipe: Apricot Galette /
Recipe: Apricot Galette /

Lately, I have been baking these simple fresh fruit galettes for dinner parties at friends' homes. They're surprisingly easy to make and everyone always says they are beautiful and tasty. Inspired by an apricot and strawberry galette recipe by Caitlin Fleming, I decided to flip through a few of my cookbooks to find an easy pate brisee recipe for the dough (if you don't have time to make your own dough, I like the frozen pastry crust from Trader Joes). My fruit basket has been overflowing with apricots from the farmers market so that has been my choice of fruit. I love that you could use pretty much any kind of fruit (you may need to squeeze some lemon on some and watch out for extra juices on others like berries). Apricots are also nice for a galette because they're not overly sweet and they're not so juicy that they leak everywhere when done. After testing out a couple of recipes from a few cookbooks, I found the best tasting and easiest recipes to come from the Flour cookbook and the Tartine cookbook. Though I am in love with everything Tartine, I think many of the recipes are a bit complicated and intimidating. So I ended up mixing ingredients and techniques from both cookbooks to come up with this recipe. Hope you like it!

+ Click here for a printable PDF version

+ Check out this recipe for a yummy gluten free version by Snixy Kitchen
